So, I went ahead and purchased the AppStore version, eventhough the bundle version was half the price. I fingured it would be simpler when it came to updates.
Bottom line is I expected to use it to record Facetime Calls from my Mac. I haven’t gotting it right yet. I’ve recorded the audio, great… but eventhough I did my best to select the right “record this” settings, i have yet to capture my conversation with my mother. Boy, I which I could get my money, time, and effort back. Even thinking about it, upset me.
I’m updating this… I just tried to reach support… in the end, the “captch” spam guard ask me for “Type the two words” when there was only one number displayed. What type of riddle is that? The other thing.. is that the subject “How can I help you” had two options, 1. Password and login, 2. Billing Issues. … to double check my answers, I now see “Tech Support”, which I am sure was my 1st option, but wasn’t an option after the validation failed. (Now, I’m wondering if this product and support is just trying to make me crazy).
Joe - xyz123 about ScreenFlow 5